Significance And Effectiveness Of Full Time Mba Course

Master of Business Administration (MBA) is one of the most sought after streams of study that has gained immense acceptance and extreme popularity. The course opens door towards promising and well paid jobs in several industrial sectors in India and abroad. However, students who prefer MBA after their graduation often get confused in choosing from part time, distance learning and full time MBA. Amongst the various types of MBA programs, full time course in business administration has earned immense popularity. This is because, full time business administration course enables students to completely explore, learn and experience theories, practices and concepts of business management.
Effectiveness of full time MBA course
Full time course has many significant advantages over part time and distant learning. There are many colleges in Pune that offer full time MBA course by providing equal weightage to rigorous class room training and on-field learning and activities.

Colleges that offer full time course design their MBA curriculum to include continuous interactions with industry professionals, periodical industry visits, seminars and workshops from industry experts and so on. However, in the case of part time and distant learning, students hardly get chances to experience these kinds of effective learning. Instead, part time colleges simply focus on completing the syllabus on or before the scheduled time.

Full time MBA course allows comprehensive and in-depth learning of theories and practices related to different functional areas of management. This rigorous training and learning equip students to build promising and highly rewarding careers in both public and private sector organizations.

Full time business administration course structure

With quality training and education in management discipline, MBA graduates earn in-depth and wide knowledge base in subjects like:

“Accounting for Business Decisions
“Economic Analysis for Business Decisions
“Legal Aspects of Business
“Business Research Methods
“Organizational Behaviour
“Basics of Marketing
“Marketing Management
“Financial Management
“Human Resource Management
“Decision Science
“Operations & Supply Chain Management
“Management Information Systems
“Strategic Management
“Enterprise Performance Management

Also, colleges that offer full time MBA offer various specializations in Marketing Management, Financial Management, IT Management, Operations Management, HR Management, International Business Management, Supply Chain Management, Technology Management, Rural & Agribusiness Management and Family Business Management.

Job opportunities

As per the current market scenario, almost all the renowned business organizations prefer hiring full time business administration course graduates compared to candidates who have part time and distant learning certificates. This indicates the value of full time course over any other mode of study.

The Burgeoning Retail and Business Management Industry in India

The retail industry in India has gone through significant changes, making it a good sector to look for a job. Number of jobs in this industry is increasing and so is the number of institutes offering courses in retail management. Students are opting for this field as they are finding it highly beneficial in the creation of a brighter future. However, make sure you are choosing a reputed institute with credentials if you want to make a career in the retail industry.

There are very few institutes in India that offer proper training in retail management. For instance, Mulshi Institute in Pune is one such reputed institute where students can opt for the MIRM course that offers the best training to graduates who are aiming for high career options. This is an AICTE approved institute so you can be assured of top quality curriculum and facilities.

More and more companies are now entering the retail sector and since big players are also entering this industry, it is growing manifolds. Number of shopping malls is growing, creating endless job opportunities for people. According to retail sector experts, there will be an increase of 30-40% in this sector in India very soon. The demand for skilled professionals is growing in this field due to which taking up a course in retail management can prove highly beneficial for any student.

Growing demand for business management students: The demand for business management pass outs is also increasing in India. Popularity of business management courses has led to the rise in institutes offering BM courses to students who want to become industry leaders in the global business arena.

Reputed colleges such as Mulshi Institute also offer business management courses. For instance, you can take up Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain and Operations Management at Mulshi Institute. This is a 2 year full time course in which students will get to learn dual specialization of Supply Chain & Operations Management with Human Resources/ Information Technology/ Finance/ Marketing management.

Choosing the best institute for retail and business management courses: With the rise in demand for retail and business management courses, several institutes have cropped up in India. Therefore, it becomes important to do some research and find out the right institute so that your career takes the right turn. Make sure the reputation of the institute you have chosen is good enough for higher studies. Its courses should be ideal for graduates who aim to have a career in the corporate field. The curriculum should be best suited for retail management and business management students so that they become capable of setting up their own enterprise on a long term basis.