How to Rent a Dance Floor for a Rave
When organizing a rave one of the most important steps is renting a space that has an adequate dance floor, since the dancing is the primary focus of the party. The dance floor needs to meet a number of important criteria if the rave is going to be a success. Other People Are Reading How to Rave With Glowsticks How to Make Your Own Rave Outfit
Print this article Instructions 1 Determine what kind of rave you plan on having by considering whether it will be an underground or approved rave, how many people you expect to attend and if you’ll have multiple DJs and other staff and organizers coming and going frequently.
2 Start by looking at celebration halls and dancehalls in your area and going to speak with the managers. Most likely, you’ll find that many of the dance floors are not suitable for your rave but conversations with the managers and employees of the halls will lead you to better spaces.
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3 Make a check list of requirements that each space must meet which includes your electricity needs (since the rave music and lights suck electricity), the safety of the neighborhood, ventilation considerations, maximum occupancy, the number of exits and the potential reaction of neighbors in the area.
4 Be prepared to put a fairly sizable deposit down on the dance floor rental that could be as high as the cost of the rental or in some cases more. In nearly all cases you’ll be required to pre-pay for the dance floor so raise cash and sell tickets in advance of the rave.
5 Check with the police department or city hall about permits and requirements for the dance floor rental before you sign the rental agreement.
6 Cancel or postpone the rave until you find the right dance hall since even minor problems can become serious ordeals when you’re packing hundreds of dancing people into a relatively confined space.
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